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Uf endnote web

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The simultaneous use of Optical Emission Spectroscopy, Langmuir Probe and X-ray diagnostics allows the characterization of the whole electron energy distribution function (EEDF), from a few eV to hundreds of keV. This work presents the multiple diagnostics characterization of the plasma in an axis-symmetric simple mirror trap as a function of magnetic field profile (mirror ratios and magnetic field gradient), neutral gas pressure and microwave power. Università degli Studi di Catania, Catania, Italy M. Mazzaglia, G. Castro, L. Celona, S. Gammino, D. Mascali, E. Naselli, R. Reitano, G. Torrisi.

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The instructions in this guide refer to the version accessible via the UCL institutional licence.Study of the Influence of Magnetic Field Profile on Plasma Parameters in a Simple Mirror Trap In EndNote Online go to the Options menu, then Subscription.To check which version of EndNote Online you are using: If you leave UCL, you will still be able to access the full version of EndNote Online for one year after you last synchronised with the Desktop version, after which you will still be able to access the ‘basic’ version of EndNote Online so your references are retained. Once registered you can log on directly to EndNote Online. If you already have a Web of Science account, you should use the same login details. To access EndNote Online for the first time, you need to create an account. This means that your references will still be available to you if you leave UCL. If not, a free basic version of EndNote Online is available to everybody. If you have personal or institutional access to EndNote Desktop, your online account can be synchronised to your desktop account. You can use it to collect references anywhere you are logged on to the Internet.

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  • Preparing a paper for publication / TurnitinĮndNote Online is a web-based version of the EndNote application.
  • Using EndNote with Word Toggle Dropdown.
  • Organising your library Toggle Dropdown.
  • Getting started with EndNote Toggle Dropdown.

  • Uf endnote web